(Carpenter Hill) Sugar Rush! Candy Camp


Life is so sweet! Learn the science behind and create bubble gum, pop rocks, and chocolates! Sugar Rush is a sensory-filled experience with kids' favorite sweets and lots of activities to burn off that sugar rush.

  • Camp Dates:

    • July 8-12

    • July 22-26

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Life is so sweet! Learn the science behind and create bubble gum, pop rocks, and chocolates! Sugar Rush is a sensory-filled experience with kids' favorite sweets and lots of activities to burn off that sugar rush.

  • Camp Dates:

    • July 8-12

    • July 22-26

Life is so sweet! Learn the science behind and create bubble gum, pop rocks, and chocolates! Sugar Rush is a sensory-filled experience with kids' favorite sweets and lots of activities to burn off that sugar rush.

  • Camp Dates:

    • July 8-12

    • July 22-26

Half-day camp from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM with Ms. Garcia or Ms. Weaver!

  • Open to students ages 6-12.

Additional camp details will be email to you 1-week prior to the start date.